Add a nrequired-to-sign multisignature address to the wallet"
each key is a Magi address or hex-encoded public key
If [account] is specified, assign address to [account].
backupwallet <destination>
Safely copies wallet.dat to destination, which can be a directory or a path with filename.
Check wallet for integrity.
createrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...}
Create a transaction spending given inputs
(array of objects containing transaction id and output number),
sending to given address(es).
Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.
Note that the transaction's inputs are not signed, and
it is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network.
decoderawtransaction <hex string>
Return a JSON object representing the serialized, hex-encoded transaction.
dumpprivkey <Magiaddress>
Reveals the private key corresponding to <Magiaddress>.
enforcecheckpoint <enforce>
<enforce> is true or false to enable or disable enforcement of broadcasted checkpoints by developer.
getaccount <Magiaddress>
Returns the account associated with the given address.
getaccountaddress <account>
Returns the current Magi address for receiving payments to this account.
Returns the list of addresses.
getaddressesbyaccount <account>
Returns the list of addresses for the given account.
Show info of auto synchronized checkpoint.
getbalance [account] [minconf=1]
If [account] is not specified, returns the server's total available balance.
If [account] is specified, returns the balance in the account.
getblock <hash> [txinfo]
txinfo optional to print more detailed tx info
Returns details of a block with given block-hash.
getblock <number> [txinfo]
txinfo optional to print more detailed tx info
Returns details of a block with given block number.
Returns the number of blocks in the longest block chain.
getblockhash <index>
Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at <index>.
getblocktemplate [params]
Returns data needed to construct a block to work on:
"version" : block version
"previousblockhash" : hash of current highest block
"transactions" : contents of non-coinbase transactions that should be included in the next block
"coinbaseaux" : data that should be included in coinbase
"coinbasevalue" : maximum allowable input to coinbase transaction, including the generation award and transaction fees
"target" : hash target
"mintime" : minimum timestamp appropriate for next block
"curtime" : current timestamp
"mutable" : list of ways the block template may be changed
"noncerange" : range of valid nonces
"sigoplimit" : limit of sigops in blocks
"sizelimit" : limit of block size
"bits" : compressed target of next block
"height" : height of the next block
See for full specification.
getchainfobyheight (this command is not found)
Returns the number of connections to other nodes.
Returns the difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
Returns true or false.
Returns a recent hashes per second performance measurement while generating.
Returns an object containing various state info.
getminingbykhps [hashrate in kh/s] [blocks]
Returns the estimated mining earnings in XMG.
Pass in [hashrate] in kh/s, default: 1kh/s.
Pass in [blocks] to average difficulty, default: 50.
Returns an object containing mining-related information.
getnetstakeweight [blocks] [height]
Returns the estimated net stake weight (PoS).
Pass in [blocks] to override default number (72) of blocks for the average.
Pass in [height] to estimate the net stake weight at the time when a certain block was found.
getnetworkhashps [blocks] [height]
Returns the estimated network PoW hashes per second.
Pass in [blocks] to override default number (120) of blocks to average block time.
Pass in [height] to estimate the network speed at the time when a certain block was found.
Always return the hash rate of the nearest PoW block.
getnewaddress [account]
Returns a new Magi address for receiving payments. If [account] is specified (recommended), it is added to the address book so payments received with the address will be credited to [account].
getnewblockvaluebynumber <number>
Returns a block reward with given block-number.
getnewpubkey [account]
Returns new public key for coinbase generation.
Returns data about each connected network node.
Returns all transaction ids in memory pool.
getrawtransaction <txid> [verbose=0]
If verbose=0, returns a string that is
serialized, hex-encoded data for <txid>.
If verbose is non-zero, returns an Object
with information about <txid>.
getreceivedbyaccount <account> [minconf=1]
Returns the total amount received by addresses with <account> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.
getreceivedbyaddress <Magiaddress> [minconf=1]
Returns the total amount received by <Magiaddress> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.
Returns a threshold value (XMG) of PoS stake combining.
Returns a threshold value (XMG) of PoS stake splitting.
Show info of synchronized checkpoint.
gettransaction <txid>
Get detailed information about <txid>
getwork [data]
If [data] is not specified, returns formatted hash data to work on:
"midstate" : precomputed hash state after hashing the first half of the data (DEPRECATED)
"data" : block data
"hash1" : formatted hash buffer for second hash (DEPRECATED)
"target" : little endian hash target
If [data] is specified, tries to solve the block and returns true if it was successful.
getworkex [data, coinbase]
If [data, coinbase] is not specified, returns extended work data.
help [command]
List commands, or get help for a command.
importprivkey <Magiprivkey> [label]
Adds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet.
Fills the keypool.
requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase first
listaccounts [minconf=1]
Returns Object that has account names as keys, account balances as values.
Lists groups of addresses which have had their common ownership
made public by common use as inputs or as the resulting change
in past transactions
listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
[minconf] is the minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
[includeempty] whether to include accounts that haven't received any payments.
Returns an array of objects containing:
"account" : the account of the receiving addresses
"amount" : total amount received by addresses with this account
"confirmations" : number of confirmations of the most recent transaction included
listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
[minconf] is the minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
[includeempty] whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.
Returns an array of objects containing:
"address" : receiving address
"account" : the account of the receiving address
"amount" : total amount received by the address
"confirmations" : number of confirmations of the most recent transaction included
listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]
Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted
listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0]
Returns up to [count] most recent transactions skipping the first [from] transactions for account [account].
listunspent [minconf=1] [maxconf=9999999] ["address",...]
Returns array of unspent transaction outputs
with between minconf and maxconf (inclusive) confirmations.
Optionally filtered to only include txouts paid to specified addresses.
Results are an array of Objects, each of which has:
{txid, vout, scriptPubKey, amount, confirmations}
makekeypair [prefix]
Make a public/private key pair.
[prefix] is optional preferred prefix for the public key.
move <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment]
Move from one account in your wallet to another.
Repair wallet if checkwallet reports any problem.
Re-send unconfirmed transactions.
reservebalance [<reserve> [amount]]
<reserve> is true or false to turn balance reserve on or off.
<amount> is a real and rounded to cent.
Set reserve amount not participating in network protection.
If no parameters provided current setting is printed.
sendalert <message> <privatekey> <minver> <maxver> <priority> <id> [cancelupto]
<message> is the alert text message
<privatekey> is hex string of alert master private key
<minver> is the minimum applicable internal client version
<maxver> is the maximum applicable internal client version
<priority> is integer priority number
<id> is the alert id
[cancelupto] cancels all alert id's up to this number
Returns true or false.
sendcheckpoint <blockhash>
Send a synchronized checkpoint.
sendfrom <fromaccount> <toMagiaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]
<amount> is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.000001
requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase first
sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]
amounts are double-precision floating point numbers
requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase first
sendrawtransaction <hex string>
Submits raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.
sendtoaddress <Magiaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]
<amount> is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.000001
requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase first
setaccount <Magiaddress> <account>
Sets the account associated with the given address.
setgenerate <generate> [genproclimit]
<generate> is true or false to turn generation on or off.
Generation is limited to [genproclimit] processors, -1 is unlimited.
setstakecombinethreshold <n>
Set a threshold (XMG) below which PoS stake combines various small inputs.
setstakesplitthreshold <n>
Set a threshold value (XMG) above which PoS stake splits into two.
settxfee <amount>
<amount> is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.01
signmessage <Magiaddress> <message>
Sign a message with the private key of an address
signrawtransaction <hex string> [{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex},...] [<privatekey1>,...] [sighashtype="ALL"]
Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).
Second optional argument (may be null) is an array of previous transaction outputs that
this transaction depends on but may not yet be in the blockchain.
Third optional argument (may be null) is an array of base58-encoded private
keys that, if given, will be the only keys used to sign the transaction.
Fourth optional argument is a string that is one of six values; ALL, NONE, SINGLE or
Returns json object with keys:
hex : raw transaction with signature(s) (hex-encoded string)
complete : 1 if transaction has a complete set of signature (0 if not)
requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase first
stop <detach>
<detach> is true or false to detach the database or not for this stop only
Stop Magi server (and possibly override the detachdb config value).
submitblock <hex data> [optional-params-obj]
[optional-params-obj] parameter is currently ignored.
Attempts to submit new block to network.
See for full specification.
validateaddress <Magiaddress>
Return information about <Magiaddress>.
validatepubkey <Magipubkey>
Return information about <Magipubkey>.
verifymessage <Magiaddress> <signature> <message>
Verify a signed message
Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.
After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase again
before being able to call any methods which require the wallet to be unlocked.
walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout> [mintonly]
Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.
mintonly is optional true/false allowing only block minting.